Who is your hero? Your hero might be a parent, a teacher, a sibling, or anybody who inspires you and is a role model in your life. Let’s show our heroes that we appreciate them by making them a special superhero card!
Activity: Superhero-shaped cards made from your own handprint and featuring a heartfelt message inside.

Materials Needed:
● Colored paper or acrylic paint
● Glue
● Scissors
● Markers
1 - Trace your hand onto one side of your desired color of paper. If you don't have colored paper, you can color white paper.
2 - Fold the paper in half horizontally and place the palm of your hand along the fold. Trace the shape of your hand.

3 - Cut out your hand shape, making sure not to cut along the fold. You want to end up with two paper hands that are attached at the palms.

4 - Pick one side of the paper that will be the front of your card.
5 - Decorate your card however you like. Add a cape, a mask, or a face to make your superhero come to life.

6 - On the inside of your card, write a thank you to your own hero!
7 - Give your card to your hero and thank them for being so super!

8 - We love to see your artwork! Share your work with our museum by posting to our social media with #wamcreateclub