History: Carlos Amorales is a painter and sculptor known for his impressive installations. His work reflects emotion and obscurity and touches the world of realism and fantasy. Dreams and nightmares come together in a dark, gothic way. His installation “Black Cloud” is full of life and mystery. It is made out of 30,000 different sizes of black paper and placed in free form.

'Black Cloud' by Carlos Amorales
Activity: This week's art project is to create a butterfly wall inspired by Carlos Amorales. There are two different styles of butterflies in our example below. One type of butterfly is black, plain, and uniform, while the other butterfly has intricate cutouts and uses colorful paper. Decide what style you want to express in your piece. Do you want your work to be simplistic or full of life like Carlos Amorales? Be imaginative in your style of butterfly and placement.
Materials (What we used for example):
● Black paper
● White paper
● Pencil
● Markers
● Scissors
● Painter’s tape

1 - Draw the outline of a butterfly on white paper.
2 - Cut out the butterfly and use it as a template to create more.
3 - Take a marker and use the template you created to trace butterflies onto black paper.
4 - Repeat this step on white paper.
5 - Cut out all of the butterflies.
6 - Take the tape, rip off a piece, and stick it to itself, sticky-side out. Attach the tape to the back of the butterfly and stick it to your wall, floor, table, or whatever area you want to use to showcase your butterflies.
7 - Repeat this step with all of your butterflies and arrange them however you feel inspired.
Remember, you’re the artist here! Get inspired, be creative, and, most importantly, have fun!