Our nature painting activity is inspired by Spanish artist Lorenzo Duran. He collects and preserves leaves as the medium for his artwork. He works by intricately cutting patterns and design into the leaves, creating uniquely delicate sculptures. Duran was inspired to adopt a lead cutting art technique after watching a caterpillar munch on a leaf! You can see some images of his work here.
Activity: Today, we are going to be using nature as our tool! The idea is to use the intricate patterns inherent in the leaf to create a piece of art. For this project, you can use real leaves or draw and cut a leaf like Lorenzo M. Duran. I’ve given you a list of materials for both options below.
● Green Leaves- These can be found outside or even in your refrigerator. Kale, lettuce, and spinach leaves can be used for this project.
● Paper- Preferably cardstock. This can be used for your painting and for creating your leaf, if you chose to make your own leaf design.
● Acrylic Paints
● Paint Brush
● Paper Towel
● Cup of Water- for rinsing your brush
● Scissors

1 - Gather leaves of all sizes from around your yard or from your refrigerator.
2 - Decide how you would like your leaves placed on your paper. You can create a pattern, go free form, or create an image.
3 - Place the leaves on a paper towel and paint them. Decide what side you want to put paint on (I chose the top side of the leaf).
4 - Using a paint brushes, apply a layer of paint to your leaf using any color of paint.
5 - Carefully lift your leaf from the paper towel and press the leaf, paint side down onto your paper.
6 - Carefully lift your leaf from the paper to reveal your leaf print.
7 - Depending on how much paint you put on your leaf, you can use the same leaf several times to make a painted print.
8 - You can add multiple colors to your leaf or wipe it off and add new colors one at a time.
Alternate: Draw and cut your own leaf shapes from paper and follow the steps above.
Remember, you’re the artist here! Get inspired, be creative, and, most importantly, have fun!
Share your work with us by using the #wamcreateclub hashtag!