This week's art project is inspired by Angelique Strachan’s video and her photograph Hourglass. In her piece, she captures a mountainscape and its reflection as they merge together in the form of an hourglass. Our idea is to create a similar hourglass in which we can depict our ideas of that future will look like. Creating art helps with our mental state by showing us and others who we are, and where we want to be. This project is a great way to express how you see yourself in the future.

Hourglass by Angelique Strachan
Materials (What We Used to Create This Piece)
• White Cardstock
• Pencil
• Sketch Paper
• Magazines
• Scissors
• Glue Stick
• White Cardstock
• Pencil
• Sketch Paper
• Magazines
• Scissors
• Glue Stick

1 - On the sketch paper, write down what you want your future to look like.
Here are some prompts to help: family, goals, needs, wants, hopes, and other things that make your life fulfilling.
2 - Next to those written words, write down what things you want to look for in your magazines that represent those ideas in your piece. For example, the word “Family”. The magazine picture could be a picture of a family, it could be a color that reminds you of your family or reminds you of the feelings you get from being with them, it could be a symbol like a circle or an animal, a letter, or a flower. Anything that reminds you of family.
3 - After you have written down all of the words and pictures you want to cut out, start finding and cutting out those pictures in the magazines.
4 - Take your white cardstock and fold it in half.
5 - Open up the folded cardstock.
6 - At the top of one of the sides, draw the outline of a landscape skyline. It could be the tops of mountains, the tops of buildings in a city, or the tops of grain mills on a farm.
7 - Underneath the skyline landscape (on the same side of the fold), you will glue the cut-out magazine pictures. This side represents what your future looks like.
8 - Fold the white cardstock back up with the pictures facing out.
9 - Cut along your landscape outline to create the same shape on both sides of the fold (like making a paper snowflake).
10 - Open up your paper, turn it horizontally, and, on the opposite side of the magazine cut-outs, take some colored pencils and color in a rough reflection of the magazine cut-outs above it. The colored pencil reflection represents the preparation for the bright future you can see so clearly.
11 - Finally, this art piece could be framed, stuck on the fridge, or placed really anywhere you can see it. You can use this to inspire you to reach your goals.
1 - On the sketch paper, write down what you want your future to look like.
Here are some prompts to help: family, goals, needs, wants, hopes, and other things that make your life fulfilling.
2 - Next to those written words, write down what things you want to look for in your magazines that represent those ideas in your piece. For example, the word “Family”. The magazine picture could be a picture of a family, it could be a color that reminds you of your family or reminds you of the feelings you get from being with them, it could be a symbol like a circle or an animal, a letter, or a flower. Anything that reminds you of family.
3 - After you have written down all of the words and pictures you want to cut out, start finding and cutting out those pictures in the magazines.
4 - Take your white cardstock and fold it in half.
5 - Open up the folded cardstock.
6 - At the top of one of the sides, draw the outline of a landscape skyline. It could be the tops of mountains, the tops of buildings in a city, or the tops of grain mills on a farm.
7 - Underneath the skyline landscape (on the same side of the fold), you will glue the cut-out magazine pictures. This side represents what your future looks like.
8 - Fold the white cardstock back up with the pictures facing out.
9 - Cut along your landscape outline to create the same shape on both sides of the fold (like making a paper snowflake).
10 - Open up your paper, turn it horizontally, and, on the opposite side of the magazine cut-outs, take some colored pencils and color in a rough reflection of the magazine cut-outs above it. The colored pencil reflection represents the preparation for the bright future you can see so clearly.
11 - Finally, this art piece could be framed, stuck on the fridge, or placed really anywhere you can see it. You can use this to inspire you to reach your goals.
This project is all about goal making and preparing for the kind of future you want, so be creative, get inspired, and have fun!!!