Andy Warhol is one of the most famous artists in American culture. He began his career as a commercial artist creating artwork for advertisement which influenced him in becoming a leading figure in the Pop Art movement. Pop art showcases common or popular items or figures. For example, Warhol drew and painted ordinary things like bananas and cereal boxes. In fact, one of his most well known pieces of art is of a Campbell soup can. Warhol kept several sketch books full of drawings, done mostly in ballpoint pen, of his friends and various items that were around his house. Check out Andy Warhol’s Five Views of an Onion and Campbell’s Soup Cans.

'Five View of an Onion', Andy Warhol, 1950's

'Campbell's Soup Can', Andy Warhol, 1961-62
Activity: Put simply, contour drawing is the use of a single, continuous line to create the silhouette of an object. Our project today will be to create a self-portrait using this technique. The challenge is that you will have only 30 seconds or less to do it.
● Paper
● Pen or Pencil
● Watch/Timer
● Mirror

1. Research contour line drawings by Andy Warhol and others.
2. Set a timer for 30 seconds with your pen ready on your paper.
3. Stand or sit in front of a mirror. Start the timer and begin drawing what you see in the mirror. Draw your eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and hair. Do not lift your pen off the paper until the time is up.
4. After the 30 seconds is up, take a look at your drawing. What does your face look like? Did you capture your likeness?

5. Now try to draw faster. Set the timer for 20 seconds, 15 seconds, 10 seconds, and 5 seconds. How does each portrait change with the time restraints?
6. This is a great exercise for honing in on your drawing skills, so try experimenting with new things! You can experiment with line thickness, line styles (zigzag or swirly), and the incorporation of different shapes to find your own style.

Tip: You can ask a member of your household to hold a mirror and set the timer while you draw, then switch places.
Remember, you’re the artist here. Get inspired, be creative, and, most of all, have fun!