Stained glass is a form of art made from coloring pieces of glass with metallic oxides. The artist combines the colored pieces of glass to create an image that tells a story. What make a stained glass piece truly spectacular is when light shines through the glass and illuminates the room. The light makes the piece much clearer and gives them a depth that is easily missed in the dark. This type of art has been used for centuries and can be seen throughout the world in places like historical buildings, churches, and cathedrals. Look online to learn more about stained glass and it’s history.
● Clear sheet protector binder sleeve or a large ziplock bag
● Clear modge podge (this will be the “glass”)
● Food coloring (this will be the stain)
● Black permanent marker
● Cardstock or colored paper to make a frame to go on your stained glass
● Toothpicks
● Plastic spoons
● Paper plate
● Scotch Tape

1 - Take your clear sheet protector sleeve or ziplock bag and draw a picture on it with a permanent marker. It can be something literal, like a landscape or person, or something more abstract, like connecting shapes.
2 - Take a plastic spoon and scoop out a dollop of modge podge onto the paper plate. Do several different dollops on the plate, as these will be your colors.
3 - Add food coloring to the dollops of modge podge using one color per dollop.
4 - Mix each color with toothpicks.
5 - Take the plastic spoon and put one of the modge podge colors on the sleeve or ziplock you just drew on, using the modge podge like a crayon to color your picture in.
6 - Use the toothpick to spread the colors where you want them to be.
7 - Be careful when adding the colored modge podge to different areas, because it will still be wet.
8 - When you are done coloring your masterpiece, set it in a place that will be safe while it dries.
9 - It will take 3-4 days to dry depending how much modge podge was used.
10 - Cut out a frame with the colored paper and tape your piece to the frame.
11 - Tape your framed art to a window and see the light shine through the piece!
This project is fun to create, so get inspired, be creative, and have fun!