This art project is Inspired by UVU art student, Robert Dennis, who demonstrates in his piece Primordial Drip how color can make an artwork come to life. With his use of contrast, he makes the image of a fluorescent green drop of water shine against the backdrop of a purple gradient. Take some time to view this highlighted artist and his work, and then bring an object of your choosing to life using color! The artist’s work can be found in the 2021 Student Art Show gallery See the example we’ve made for this project below.

Primordial Drip, Robert Dennis, digital photography, 2021
● Any medium (acrylic paint, oil, material, colored pencils, ribbon or string, etc.)
● Any foundation (cardboard, different colors of paper, anything you want to put the medium on)
● Sketch paper
● Pencil
Ways to Use Color:
● Use color to enhance meaning. Color helps artists create and express ideas by invoking thoughts and feelings.
● Combine colors to make patterns, shades and tones.
● Use color to show your individuality!
Our Example
● We chose an apple as the focus of our project.
● We used material that has geometric squares in blue, green and yellow to add texture to the piece.
● We placed large blue and small yellow felt rectangles in the center of the geometric material.
● We used a foam ball wrapped in red yarn to form the apple. We used wooden clothes pin for the stem, and green felt for the leaves and placed the apple on top of the large blue and small yellow felt rectangles.
● Any medium (acrylic paint, oil, material, colored pencils, ribbon or string, etc.)
● Any foundation (cardboard, different colors of paper, anything you want to put the medium on)
● Sketch paper
● Pencil
Ways to Use Color:
● Use color to enhance meaning. Color helps artists create and express ideas by invoking thoughts and feelings.
● Combine colors to make patterns, shades and tones.
● Use color to show your individuality!
Our Example
● We chose an apple as the focus of our project.
● We used material that has geometric squares in blue, green and yellow to add texture to the piece.
● We placed large blue and small yellow felt rectangles in the center of the geometric material.
● We used a foam ball wrapped in red yarn to form the apple. We used wooden clothes pin for the stem, and green felt for the leaves and placed the apple on top of the large blue and small yellow felt rectangles.

1 - Before you begin sketching your ideas, think about all the objects around you and how color makes them come to life.
2 - Try to think about how your use of color will show your individuality.
3 - Think about the different mediums you will use and how you will use them.
4 - Will you incorporate texture?
5 - On your sketch paper, draw the object you selected. Write some ideas about the ways you want to use and express color.
6 - Transfer your sketch ideas onto whatever foundation you chose, using any or all of the different types of mediums you thought of while sketching.
Remember to be creative and have fun!
1 - Before you begin sketching your ideas, think about all the objects around you and how color makes them come to life.
2 - Try to think about how your use of color will show your individuality.
3 - Think about the different mediums you will use and how you will use them.
4 - Will you incorporate texture?
5 - On your sketch paper, draw the object you selected. Write some ideas about the ways you want to use and express color.
6 - Transfer your sketch ideas onto whatever foundation you chose, using any or all of the different types of mediums you thought of while sketching.
Remember to be creative and have fun!